at large

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Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


at large

  1. vapaa, karkuteillä oleva, karkuteillä, vapaana, karannut, vapaalla jalalla oleva, vapaalla jalalla, irrallaan, irti.

Lisää synonyymejää



karkuteillä oleva, vapaana, karkuteillä

yleensä ottaen puhekieltä on the loose|On the loose; roaming freely; not confined.

For a nervous twenty-four hours, three wanted criminals were at large in the city.

The ambassador-at-large was designated to the Middle East as a region, rather than to a specific country.

puhekieltä in full|In full, fully.
(RQ:RBrtn AntmyMlncl), vol.I, New York 2001, p.236:
The like example I find in Lælius à Fonte Eugubinus, consult. 129 …. Read in him the story at large.
in general|In general; as a whole.

Some people support the measure, but the community at large will probably be against it.

puhekieltä Having an electorate across multiple districts.

The city has five city council districts; however, the mayor is elected at large.


at large rimmaa näiden kanssa:

image, bridge, sitoumusbridge, college, beige

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